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Aspen University

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Aspen University Reviews:

Great school for working adults

MBA - April 12, 2017
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Aspen is a great school for adults who work full time. They give you a time frame to work with for each class; then its up to you grow up and do what you have to do to get to where you need to be. Personally, I don't need hand holding for the most part. Many students I believe need to be enabled by others, and that's OK. To each his or her own. But the limitations and shortcomings of some who are unable to handle everyday adult day in day out processes does not justify speaking negatively about any reputable organization; be it Aspen or any other school or business. If some are unable to handle a distance learning education process, then they should physically attend a school of their choice. Distance learning requires constant follow up, phone calls, emails, etc. Many individual are not capable of handling distance learning. Understandable. If some individuals need enabling or hand holding, they may need to reconsider distance learning as their choice. Aspen is by no means easy. I recently received my MBA last month. Over the years, I too have had to email counselors, registrar, admissions, etc on numerous occasions; and they have always finalized all my requests and questions. Classes are tough with a lot of independent research, obviously (as a distance learning school). As for me, nothing was spoon fed. We were on a strict time frame to submit work and respond to classmates questions. I would definitely recommend Aspen to anyone capable of handling a distance learning school and it's requirements and expectations. Regards.

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42 of 49 people found the following review helpful

Great MBA Program

MBA - March 30, 2016
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I recently graduated from Aspen's MBA Program. It took me nearly 4.5 years (of course some complete the program in half that time). First, if you think this is an easy would be very wrong. I've attended several colleges over the years and I have kids in large, state institutions. The Aspen workload is substantial, and more than any other college class I've taken anywhere. Very few traditional classes require you to read an entire textbook, collaborate with others in online forums, and turn in 10-20 pages of APA formatted and referenced content each week, all while learning in a self directed, online format. It's a challenge for sure. I found all instructors to be available and helpful with questions and guidance and the new learning management system to be exceptional. I was also impressed with the program content (including problem solving work and an entire course dedicated to TRIZ) and I am absolutely a better businessman as a result of what I learned during the program. Of course, you get out what you put in - same as any other college experience. My only advice is that online learning is significantly more challenging than any traditional coursework; so be ready to read, research, and work every week. I saw many students struggle not realizing the level of commitment required to complete this program. I'm very happy with my choice to attend Aspen and would recommend it to anyone.

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17 of 20 people found the following review helpful

I regret my Aspen Decision

MBA - February 5, 2016
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First and foremost it’s a business – if you learn great if you don’t they don’t care! I was made to feel that they were doing me a favor by allowing me to be their customer (BTW I have received an A in every course I completed). Be careful - they change their policies with little notice and no student involvement. My student advisor is not very knowledgeable and regularly sends me to others in the business for answers instead of finding the answers on my behalf (hey guys great idea! fire the advisors and pass the savings to your customers). The Bursar’s office and Registrar’s office maintain a non-customer attitude (once they have your money they know you have no alternative). They state one rate and magically you are required to pay another rate. They use the term University Policy a lot – yet fail to have adequate documentation to inform you of those policies. Some of my teachers have been poor quality - they refer you to the text / web for assistance rather than "teaching". I’m about half way through and regret my decision.

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44 of 61 people found the following review helpful

Half-way through and very pleased with the program

MBA - April 6, 2015
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As a retired military veteran working full time in industry while raising young children, I needed an affordable program that would adapt to my needs. Aspen fit the bill. Courses start on Tuesday, and last for 10 weeks. By Thursday midnight, you must have read the material for the week and submitted a contribution to the online discussion forum. By midnight the following Monday the assignment for that week is due. I obtained permission from my employer to use company time and resources for my professional development. I can handle one course at a time and complete my work and school work without having to take it home, allowing me to support my children. I can attest that the course work is real and challenging. The course materials are the same as the ones used in the more elite programs. I also obtained 9 credit hours for completing my PMP certification (paid by my employer), which streamlined my progress, and advanced my education with real world experience. Aspen U is for the self-starter. You get out of it, what you put in. If you are seeking an education at an affordable price, this is a great program. If you need a pedigree, and can't study without attending classes in person, then it is probably not the program for you. I'll check in again after I finish the program.

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21 of 26 people found the following review helpful

Great School

MBA - September 20, 2014
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Aspen is a great school for distance learning and individuals who cannot attend traditional college classes. The courses are challenging and I found my experience at Aspen to be very beneficial and rewarding. However, it does take dedication to participate in distance learning that is self directed and some individuals simply do not have the ability to self motivate without attending classes. I would recommend (and have) Aspen to anyone that is looking for a quality education at an affordable price.

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12 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Great Value, Excetionally good, Quite flexible

MBA - July 9, 2014
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The Aspen is a great online school, I worked very hard to complete my MBA in Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management. I am Pharmacist in USA, passed several Pharmacy board exams in Canada as well as in USA, this MBA isn't an easy one. It pains me to see some negative comments. The Material offered by Aspen, and the text books as well as professors maintain good standards, and offer a well laid out MBA. You simply can't float through the courses without spending considerable time on modules. I am quite bewildered, that they were able to offer such a quality course for such an affordable cost. My knowledge has increased tremendously, by applying the principle learned, I was able to negotiate the right price for any business deal. This course has made me to look into a multi dimensional view of everything before making a decision. I thank Aspen to made me a real master in many areas of the Business.... Max

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15 of 21 people found the following review helpful

MBA -Finance

MBA - July 8, 2014
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My experience with Aspen University was great. The assignments were challenging and relevant to the real world. Teachers' support was superb. I got timely feedback from the Aspen's Administration. The graduate level is no more where people should expect to be hand-led and at Aspen, serious and hardworking students enjoy their studies and make it to the end. Those who had good basis at the undergraduate level and are willing to learn with minimum guidance will surely make it at AU. There has been great improvement in the quality of IT tools and students' access to Faculty members, other students, class assignments and forums is easier. Aspen University has one of the best MBA (Finance) programs and student follow up is remarkable. Prior to seeking admission into Aspen University, please exam yourself. If you feel you are not self-disciplined, cannot work hard and independently, then you better find some other place where you will be spoon-fed. I highly recommend this University to all individuals who can well plan their time to meet both their professional and educational objectives. It is a place to realize your academic dreams while you work.

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10 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Almost done with my MBA

MBA - April 9, 2014
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I wanted to follow up from my post last May 2013. I have worked very hard to complete my MBA within a year. Working full-time and going to school full-time. I am quite pleased with my education at Aspen. I have had nothing but positive interactions with all of my professors, the Aspen staff have been friendly and helpful. I have not had any issues with ordering my text books either. I have a few co-workers who are also completing their Masters degrees with other online universities and they have several issues. If you are a smart, determined individual who can prioritize and learn well on your own you will not have any problems. I am starting my Capstone then I will be finished with my MBA and by the way debt free too. Lastly, I have a new job even before I am finished.

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16 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Online - Company

MBA - January 31, 2014
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Nobody seems to know anything once you are enrolled. Same cut and paste remarks with grade each paper. Financial aid - good luck on getting the excess. Staff is spread around the country. The required participation in class online forum is the hardest part - there is nobody else in your class. I find the text books excellent, even if they are a decade plus old. The instructors guide with test answers can be found online hahahaha -- what a joke.

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11 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Aspen MBA

MBA - January 25, 2014
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I started this program almost 4 years ago and I am now in the process of completing the final Capstone project. I have completed all course work and exams. The courses, texts, and assignments were excellent. The majority of the work required for each assignment is NOT from the text. You have to research the questions/issues yourself. I found the work/assignments very interesting. Hard to name a company I didn't learn about - Nike, Apple, Chevron, AIG, etc. The flexibility worked for me - we had our second child while I was working on the program and taking time off between courses was no problem. I wasn't looking for group work or a lot of discussions so this worked out well. Some prof's provided great feedback and others not so much but I was learning on my own and the lack of interaction was what I was looking for. There are forums, lounges, etc if you;re looking for that but I wasn't. I recommend this program.

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13 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Run Away from here

MBA - August 28, 2013
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Do not go here. They lost my application so I had to send it again. As soon as you enroll the customer service is horrible. Financial aid was supposed to charge me a certain amount and over charged me by $10,000 more than the program costs. They wouldn't respond to my emails. You arent supposed to play with peoples money. Do not go here. It is not worth it.

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18 of 27 people found the following review helpful

I enjoyed my time at Aspen, give it a try!

MBA - August 26, 2013
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I graduated last year with my MBA from Aspen. For those of you who are seeking a rigorous highly academic program, this is probably not that school in my opinion. If that's what you are seeking, you will probably do better with a bricks and mortar school, not an online program. I was interested in a school that was within my budget, and doable within my already busy week with my full time job and family. I work at a small food company and travel for work too. I didn't want to be in a program where after a hard day of work, I had to spend all my leftover time buried in books and studying for tests. I still wanted to spend time with my family, which are my priority and have a social life. This isn't an Ivy League business degree. You get what you put into it, it's true. If you can set aside a couple of hours a day and read and do some assignments but do it on a regular basis, you shouldn't have a hard time finishing this program. I can't see why anyone should fail out of this school. They want you to succeed. The program is probably overall easier than most of the online programs I researched, but like I said, I wanted a life too, in addition to learning business concepts. Plus I have zero debts. Why spend $25k more for other online degree programs, which are probably similar in terms of "prestige"? Lets face it, most Fortune 500 companies are looking for top 25 business school grads, but you will work your butt off there plus spend $125 grand or more. And there's no guarantee one will even get a job! I think you should give Aspen a chance if you want to learn some business aspects, possibly apply them, live sanely, not go into debt, and earn a decent MBA! Try a class or two, see if you like it. It's inexpensive. My two cents worth.....

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17 of 22 people found the following review helpful

So far I am quite happy!

MBA - May 31, 2013
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I have been pleased so far with my interactions with the Aspen Staff. I started my MBA at a traditional University but felt I needed more flexibility with my time. I did not want to spend hours in a class room at night after working all day. Don’t be fooled into thinking that getting your online degree from Aspen is going to be easy it requires work if you want to really do well. I have just finished one class and I am currently taking 2 classes now. The best advice I can give is; dedicate yourself each night to your reading and homework. The professors have responded back fairly quickly when I have asked questions and the staff have responded back quickly too. Remember you will be an independent student who will manage your own course work and assignments. You are the master of your own fate.

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6 of 10 people found the following review helpful

An Excellent Programme , Great School

MBA - April 18, 2013
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This is one of the best investments, I have ever made other than on my pharmacy education. I enrolled in Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management. It’s flexible enough to do for a full time pharmacist Business owner. At the same time, It’s very demanding and needs full commitment for 2 years. Every course has 8 modules; each module needs at least 8-12 hours of study, and also need to participate in discussions. I am half way thru the course, and highly recommend any one to join Aspen. The knowledge I gained so far is simply splendid, I am very thank full for Aspen to offer such a valuable course in such a reasonable price.

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11 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Wonderful and happy, almost at finish line

MBA - April 16, 2013
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When I started this program I had mixed feelings about distance education and how it works. But now I feel more comfortable and happy to be part of this University. Flexible, friendly professors and very good environment. Personally I had good experience with Aspen so far. Bharath Vasireddy

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10 of 15 people found the following review helpful

MBA in Finance.

MBA - January 2, 2013
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I just completed all my course requirements for my MBA in Finance. I am waiting to complete my last examination and a Cap Stone. The classes are not a walk in the park..requires a lot of time to complete the assignments. I have read all the negative comments and tend to think that these individuals had personal issues and had nothing to do with the school or its program. I would recommend people to take the MBA programs in this school.

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13 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Great University Experience

MBA - October 1, 2012
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I am not sure why some people have had bad experiences at Aspen but I can say that for me it has been a great learning experience. The instructors have been willing to help in every way I have requested and the University Admin has been great to work with. After I began the pursuit of my degree, I read a review where the student said all he did was cut and paste from others work and received a passing grade for that little effort. Just so others know, I do not know what course the person was in or what instructor he had for the course BUT I have to say that I tested that theory on an assignment. I can say that when I used this method, my work was returned with comments about using others works. I was so glad to learn that the negative words from a former student were not true. I am at the end of my MBA program and I can tell you that it has been a challenging and rewarding journey.

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14 of 19 people found the following review helpful

faculty provides no support sometime

MBA - September 10, 2012
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Few faculties at Aspen University do not provide enough support to students who are into self mode. When I joined the degree program at Aspen University, I thought I will learn something with this degree program but you will be left alone without any support from faculty sometime. Generally, faculties check your assignments and grade you online with very common feedbacks. Not much learning I can say.. Registrar will be happy if you withdraw from course because withdraw brings more benefits to University

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11 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Good University offering quality Programs.

MBA - March 10, 2012
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I have completed my MBA from ISIM University (now Aspen University) back in 1997. All courses, lectures, discussions and feedback from teachers were of good quality. Based on my ISIM MBA, I have obtained various senior position jobs in USA, Canada, Tunisia, and Pakistan. Currently, I am a Project Director of a would-be-University in Pakistan. Thank You- Aspen- Good Job- Keep it up.

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11 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Aspen is indeed a great school, highly recommend

MBA - February 10, 2012
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Anyone who has posted a negative review probably has not attended this school, or was unable to finish, or did not really immerse themselves fully into the program. It's not Harvard Business School. It's an online MBA, which is especially good for working adults. It's convenient, and not extremely demanding. But one can learn a great deal from the program, and apply it to their job. The professors were all around very good and helpful. I would highly recommend this program.

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16 of 23 people found the following review helpful


MBA - February 8, 2012
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I am amazed at the users that gave Aspen poor reviews. They could not have actually been students because the school is terrific. I am just finishing my Capstone project for my MBA-Finance now and have learned so much from the program. The professors are great, the technology is great, the curriculum and materials are great, and the staff are great. Before entering the program, I searched diligently for a good online MBA program to supplement the CFA designation that I am also near completing. Aspen's program mirrors many top schools in North America. Moreover, in terms of difficulty the material is on par with the CFA program, which is commonly accepted to be one of the hardest programs out there. I received my BBA from a good university here in Canada and Aspen's MBA curriculum is much more difficult.Additionally, I have friends that have received their MBAs from very good brick and mortar universities (60K to 100K) and the level of difficulty is close. And, I have also had the opportunity to see Kaplan's material (40K) and it is virtually identical to Aspens. Finally, Aspen is unquestionably the most flexible school out there. So, to those few naysayers, your comments do not hold water. Of course the Aspen MBA will not have as much weight as the top business schools. However, that is not what they are about. They cater to working adults and do a GREAT job of it!!!

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14 of 18 people found the following review helpful

good option

MBA - January 25, 2012
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I just completed the requirements for the MBA finance program. This school was the best option for me to continue my education while maintaining work and family responsibilities. Flexibility and low cost were my main decision points. This school makes you work to figure out concepts based on materials, with minimal input from the profs, which prepares you for application of the material in real contexts - there won't always be a prof around to help out if you run into a problem in a job setting. I think this is the way of the future of education - a great cost saving technique that more schools are starting to embrace. Yes it takes self motivation to do this type of learning, but that is also a skill that is needed to excel in the workplace. I would have liked to see a bit more critique from the profs on my assignments, but was generally happy with the program. Administrative staff were always excellent to deal with.

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6 of 13 people found the following review helpful


MBA - December 7, 2011
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School is a SCAM. I was enrolled for exactly 4 weeks for the MBA/Pharm for learning enrichment. Professors didn't teach you anything. Their school website for turning in assignments and discussion forum is incredibly out-dated and very dis-organized! Come on now! This is a graduate program. When I requested a refund, the main person who is charge of the Bursar office never responded for 4 weeks. The head of the school quote me a different refund amount than what was said by 2 other different people. I just find it disgusting that this school can charge you so many different fees. I paid upfront $2700 and got a refund back for only $1000. It was pathetic charging me the technology fee that I didn't even use. This school is a rip-off and the administration is all about money. I already have a doctorate degree and trust me my review of this school is legit. Get your MBA education somewhere else that is worthy!

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17 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Aspen University gave me a tremendous education

MBA - August 30, 2011
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Years ago I completed my BSN at Ohio State University. Since then my background has been in hospital critical care nursing and nursing leadership and legal nurse consulting for close to three decades. Perhaps because I am driven and eager to apply the offered material, I worked very hard for each module while working full time. I just completed my MBA. For those considering Aspen compared to a brick and mortar program, I started previously at a well reputed brick and mortar Business school in Northeast Ohio, but had dropped it after doing well in two courses for its lack of application in health care in that setting - I got nothing but a good text out of the class, as banking, marketing majors and the like were taking it fresh out of undergrad, and I had trouble relating the class focus to what I did for a living. I wanted the general MBA exposure and to apply it to leadership in Nursing. Since I attended Aspen, each and every course had to be mastered then adapted with my professors' help to business interests related to health care systems in order to get the most out of the experience. I believe that you get what you put into it - so perhaps the ¨Shocked" blogger did not apply him/herself and skated by. I was serious and got a great education. And I prefer Aspen hands down to the brink and mortar university. It is the way of the future to keep educational programs focused, cost effective and specific for individual learning needs. I was so surprised to see that someone wrote about this program being lame; although I am reasonably intelligent, being a nurse, it was so difficult for me that I had to drop accounting and finance in order to shore up my basic understandings of these subjects before taking the classes. They did not go easy on me. Eventually I got an A in each through hard work. Overall, it took about 25 to 30 hours a week for about three years. But it was worth every minute of the effort in terms of my understanding of the business of health care. For those wondering if Aspen is taken seriously by employers, I have had employers who happily reimbursed for classes there because of its accredited status and credibility. More importantly, I was hired in March as a Director of an ICU in a for profit hospital, the health care business model in which I wanted most to participate. My Aspen Capstone project has improved the quality of life for patients in the ICU. It has been accepted by a professional organization for presentations at a conference this November, so I am pretty sure that the application of offered concepts has been right on target. I hope to submit it for publication soon in two professional journals. I wish anyone well who is considering Aspen, and would say to them to go for it!

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51 of 57 people found the following review helpful

Great Experience/ Exceptional Value

MBA - August 9, 2011
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I am 50% through MBA Finance and I think that the program is excellent. I would like to dispute the "shocked" guys comments. I completely disagree with him. The finance questions in the modules give ample room for calculating problems like Beta, NPV, IRR etc. The questions are designed to take a simple question which could be answered in one sentence and expand to over 250 words. My modules were about 3500 words on average with major use of graphs charts and calculations. The calculations are easy anyway. I am also a level III CFA candidate. The exams are approximately 80% theory. Any monkey can do the calculations. What is important is the comprehension of the theories and the ability to communicate those theories to an audience. You are not getting all that you could from the program.

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12 of 17 people found the following review helpful


MBA - August 7, 2011
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I am almost done my Aspen degree and shocked that you can get an MBA degree where only the accounting class requires you to actually pickup a calculator and perform some math. They got rid of their business stats class; I guess because too many of their current students couldn't handle actually doing business analytics and the finance class is a joke! All theoretical and no practical use of finance theory. Writing a short 250 word easy on NPV does little for your actual application in the real world! In fact I swear most of the instructors do not even read the material I submitted and I always got 100% as long as it met length requirements. Overall if you are looking for an easy cheap cracker jack MBA this is the program for you. If you are looking for some real practical business skills that will help in your professional life keep on looking.

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14 of 26 people found the following review helpful

Great Program if you are playing professional sports!

MBA - June 28, 2011
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I have been on the tennis circuit for a while now, and a traditional university would not have done me any good because I am travelling more than 3/4ths of the year. I played tennis for my university during my undergraduate years, graduated, and started playing on the circuit. I am doing well, but not great, and wanted a back up plan, so I decided to enroll my self at Aspen. I started a few months ago, and all I can say is that it is great how flexible it is, and at the end of it, I will be doing something I love (playing on tour) as well as getting a masters degree in business, which I can fall back on later in life. Thanks Aspen!

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6 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Great Value if you are disciplined.

MBA - June 27, 2011
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I am one class away from my Capstone project and completing my MBA degree (ETC of Summer 2012). Greatest attributes for Aspen University are: excellent flexibility in learning (I preferred independent studies versus interactive), value (actual cost of tuition), good use of technology, quick response from professors, similar material of much more expensive brick and mortar colleges. Long distance learning is not for everyone, you may feel isolated and loose enthusiasm. There is a lot of material to cover and a lot of writing, you just have to commit to a schedule so that you can complete the work in the 10 weeks allowed. Basically there are 8 modules per class so if you complete one per week you will have a 2 week buffer just in case you need it. I would definitely recommend the school. One note of caution for very busy people, you must finish the entire program within 5 years from start date. Wish you the Best!

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8 of 16 people found the following review helpful

No Issues, Worked well for me as I travel a lot

MBA - April 9, 2011
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I was debating between several universities including bricks and mortar universities and was just about to apply to one in Canada when I found Aspen, and I am very glad I did. The price was right and the flexibility was exactly what I needed. I could start on the 1st or 16th of every month without issues which helped me set my pace for studying to ensure I could get it done quickly. I found the administrative staff to be very good. I note below that there were prior issues with admin staff and some forms of testing. These problems have since been resolved. The exams in the MBA program (I did MBA - Finance) were well representative of the course material (most of which is essay based, sometimes peppered with online discussion work, which I personally don’t care for). As for the technology system, submitting MS Word and Excel docs was very effective and should continue. They changed the online system over to a newer one while I was a student. There were a few glitches, but they were fixed within 4 hours of me calling them in, so response time was great. My only critiques would be that two of the seven professors I had (some profs taught more than one class) were not as responsive as I would have liked. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, I had some that were very, very responsive and were exactly what I needed and are partly responsible for my engaging in a DBA later this year. My second critique, which is common amongst many universities both online and traditional, is that there needs to be a final course that focuses on case studies which assesses business problems based on what has been taught. These thinking challenge courses need to be increased across the board. I did one of these at another university and it has helped me extensively throughout my career. They now have a DBA program (to start fall 2011) which I am considering. I would go back to Aspen without reservations and have recommended it to several friends who are soon to be Aspen students. I would suggest that if you are considering on online program, you must have self initiative and time management skills, if you don’t you will have difficulty. I also note that some students below were dissatisfied because they were not given their degrees until all their fees were paid. This is common policy for every university and does not reflect the quality of the university, just the ignorance of the student to the academic policies in force (which are out in the open before you sign up). These people should just be ignored. For employers, my degree has already helped in my employment. My employer did reimburse me for my MBA, but was rewarded soon after when I saved the organization probably triple the tuition rate in less than a month on one project alone, not to mention other projects later on. My experience was highly positive and I have no hesitation recommending this university to anyone. It was excellent value for money and really demonstrated the power of online education as Bill Gates has stated. I would go back again without hesitation should I require further education in an offered area study. I just wish they would get their DBA program up and running faster (currently in progress I am told).

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10 of 16 people found the following review helpful

I Give Aspen an A+

MBA - April 4, 2011
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  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I recently completed my MBA at Aspen and must say that I enjoyed the experience. The support from the instructors as well as the administrative staff is excellent and even though the classes are online, you don't feel alone. Aspen has succeeded by offering a quality education for a reasonable fee. I would recommend Aspen to anyone!!! NOTE: If you are reading some of the reviews, pay close attention to the post dates, since many of the negative reviews are from several years ago. Aspen has definitely changed their image!!

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10 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Great Program!

MBA - March 17, 2011
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  • Institution:

  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

Great experience so far. I just passed the halfway mark!

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4 of 10 people found the following review helpful

I really enjoyed Aspen

MBA - March 15, 2011
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  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I really enjoyed the knowledge that I gained. The professors are like many, some are great and some are just ok. But the over all education was much better for the online then I have received from my other in class masters. I would recommend it to others. As a matter of fact my son is also starting his Bach. degree through them.

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4 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Good School

MBA - February 6, 2011
  • Materials:

  • Teachers:

  • Institution:

  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I was debating between several universities including bricks and mortar universities and was just about to apply to one in Canada when I found Aspen, and I am very glad I did. The price was right and the flexibility was exactly what I needed. I could start on the 1st or 16th of every month without issues which helped me set my pace for studying to ensure I could get it done quickly. I found the administrative staff to be very good. I note below that there were prior issues with admin staff and some forms of testing. These problems have since been resolved. The exams in the MBA program (I did MBA - Finance) were well representative of the course material (most of which is essay based, sometimes peppered with online discussion work, which I personally don’t care for). As for the technology system, submitting MS Word and Excel docs was very effective and should continue. They changed the online system over to a newer one while I was a student. There were a few glitches, but they were fixed within 4 hours of me calling them in, so response time was great. My only critiques would be that two of the seven professors I had (some profs taught more than one class) were not as responsive as I would have liked. This does happen at traditional universities as well. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, I had some that were very, very responsive and were exactly what I needed and are partly responsible for my engaging in a DBA later this year. Kudos to them. My second critique, which is common amongst many universities both online and traditional, is that there needs to be a final course that focuses on case studies which assesses business problems based on what has been taught. These thinking challenge courses need to be increased across the board. I did one of these at another university and it has helped me extensively throughout my career. They now have a DBA program (to start fall 2011) which I am considering. I would go back to Aspen without reservations and have recommended it to several friends who are now Aspen students. I would suggest that if you are considering on online program, you must have self initiative and time management skills, if you don’t you will have difficulty. I also note that some students below were dissatisfied because they were not given their degrees until all their fees were paid. This is common policy for every university and does not reflect the quality of the university, just the ignorance of the student to the academic policies in force (which are out in the open before you sign up). These people should just be ignored. For employers, my degree has already helped in my employment. My employer did reimburse me for my MBA, but was rewarded soon after when I saved the organization probably triple the tuition rate in less than a month on one project alone, not to mention other projects later on. My experience was highly positive and I have no hesitation recommending this university to anyone. I would go back again without hesitation should I require further education in an offered area study.

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12 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Good so far

MBA - October 26, 2010
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  • Institution:

  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I am just now half way through and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with how on target the classes are for middle managers. The information has definately given me better insight as to why and how my large organization operates. I have only taken online independant so far, but I have been very pleased with what I have learned. However, you must make a commitment to the course work. If you don't take it seriously, you will easily get behind. I thought I could do two classes at once, do not do this. One class is all you should attempt. Also, find youself some type of APA formatting software, it will save you a lot of time and heartache. Overall, I'm very pleased but a little nervous for I will be taking my first exam soon. You only get two chances per test..MBA student

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5 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Aspen MBA review

MBA - August 22, 2010
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  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I live in Canada and have completed six of the eleven required courses, excluding the capstone/thesis project. The school's website was recently overhauled. Technology is not extremely advanced - assignments written in word or excel are uploaded and graded by the professors. Discussion groups are pretty standard. All courses require substantial additional reading/research beyond the text provided. I find the extra research interesting along with the numerous real examples and case studies within the text books. Independent learning truly is independent...which is fine with me. I would recommend this course.

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5 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Enjoying school!

MBA - July 31, 2010
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  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I have been doing online independent classes due to my whacky schedule. I started in the MBA and took MBA-PM course - my goal was to get 18 units beyond my MA so I can teach in a subject area. Then, after getting my 18 units, Aspen got the EdD approved, so I applied to that program. I'd like a little more specific feedback from some teachers, but I found the school staff wonderfully responsive and I enjoy all the courses. I am totally happy with my progress and the price is a huge relief. I never thought I'd be able to go for a Doctorate. Compared to the school where I did my MA, a big huge institution - in every way for the most part(books, teachers, technology, support) - I can only say that I would definitely have been happier if I had found Aspen sooner.

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4 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Superb School

MBA - July 7, 2010
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  • Institution:

  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I greaduated from Aspen Unviversity in June 2010 with honors. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It took me 3 1/2 years to complete the 2 1/2 year program, bearing in mind that I work a full time demanding job. Top notch educational experience! I would definitely recommend this school to anyone.

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5 of 7 people found the following review helpful


MBA - March 23, 2010
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  • Use of Technology:

I had assumed that there would be lectures. I found the reading material sub-par. I would recommend Aspen for those hoping to gain a basic business understanding. I came from a different field and found the material introductory and occasionally very informed. I would suggest having a good library of resources to pull from so as to supplement your learning.

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Aspen University final exam

MBA - November 18, 2009
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I just finished my proctored exam at Aspen and I will tell you it was tough! I did prepare pretty well reviewing all of my subject material over a 6 week period. If you study and prepare,you should do ok. I was fortunate enough to pass it on the first try and am very excited about starting my last project.

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4 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Excellent School

MBA - June 3, 2009
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  • Institution:

  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I just graduated with an MBA degree (May 2009) from Aspen and it was an excellent experience. I have a double major in Chemical engineering and chemistry prior to starting the MBA and found the courses to be challenging and real life relevant. The instructors and staff were very helpful and responded to questions promplty. The MBA courses are similiar to those found at other universities but Aspen University offers the best value for the cost. I would recommend the school to prospective students. I was able to complete the entire program in 13 months full time (alot of work) and have gained a strong business background.

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4 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Course structure and website need improvement

MBA - March 18, 2009
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  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

The courses need better structure and clarity, and the website needs to be updated. Overall, what you receive is about right for the amount you pay.

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1 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Aspen lied about independant classes

MBA - January 3, 2009
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When I first registered, I enrolled in the independant online studies. This is suppose to be at your own pace with the choice of taking a final exam or writing a research paper. About 3 classes into the program they changed the rules. It is mandatory for you to participate in the discussion board which is a part of the interactive studies. That was the biggest difference between independant and interactive, the names say it all. Now we are being forced to work at the schools pace and the other students paces instead of our own. There is no way you can work at your own pace a participate in the discussion because the discussion comes from the reading assignments and the discussions are due weekly. If you don't participate, they will drop your final grade by a letter. They might be cheap but the way they conduct their online program is WRONG. They should only advertise that they have a interactive class.

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7 of 11 people found the following review helpful

MBA Program

MBA - January 2, 2009
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  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

It is by far the best value for an accredited on-line MBA degree program. The lecture notes are kind of redundant but with the amount of material and pace of the course, it is nice to focus on the "meat and potatoes" of the lessons besides them being helpful in studying for the inevitable final exam. The staff is helpful and the process simple. The use of on-line technology could be improved but it is ok. The courses so far are fairly demanding (on my 4th class out of 11 before completing the capstone/thesis project). The time allowed for each class is 8-10 weeks and they offer independent or interactive courses.

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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful

No Lecture Notes - Yes Web Portal!!

MBA - October 11, 2008
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  • Use of Technology:

I have taken several courses at Aspen. I do not like to purchase the lecture notes that are never used and do not add value to the overall experience. The instructors do not use the lecture notes either and only utilize the text. I would recommend that Aspen shift the dollars spent on lecture notes to the web portal. I have taken classes at other online schools and their portals have Aspen's beat hands down. Aspen could really improve the overall experience by improving the web portal.

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful


MBA - October 8, 2008
  • Materials:

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  • Institution:

  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I am enjoying my experience at Aspen and find it right up there with Phoenix for online U's. I especially liked the Lecture Notes that pointed me to really useful stuff for the final exams.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

Aspen MBA is well worth it!

MBA - May 9, 2007
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  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

There is no better value in today's MBA marketplace than Aspen. The accredited degree is as extensive as others for a fraction of the cost. For $4,500, its worth the education in any field. It has been a great experience.

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Pleasantly Surprised

MBA - December 12, 2006
  • Materials:

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  • Support:

  • Value:

  • Use of Technology:

I am very happily surprised with the quality of the MBA program at Aspen. I have two friends who have just finished their MBA at better known schools (UoP and UCLA) and on the core MBA courses (accounting, finance, economics) I have found that I was able to equal at at time exceed the more traditional programs. Aspen requires a class in Business Ethics that UoP doesn't and seems to provide at least as solid a background in basic business for middle-management people like me as the other two schools.

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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Comments: is not affiliated with Aspen University in any way.